• Inspiraz Technology Pte Ltd
  • Booth No.E1.1702
  • ExhibitsSmart Camera,Software Package,Light Source,Accessories,Iudustrial Lens,Imaging Processing System,Machine Vision System,工业相机,
  • Established in 2004, Inspiraz Technology,being a technology-oriented company. We have developed a platform based, general-purpose visual software, which makes the development process of machine vision applications a very simple graphical operation mode, allowing ordinary engineers and even operators to complete visual requirements. Our German partner MVTec has a world-class level in machine visio... Detailed introduction
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  • Address:No. 218, West Tianmu Road, Kerry Everbright City, Tower 1, Room 3104, Jingan Distric, Shanghai
    Tel.: 021-52990181
  • VisionChina All rights reserved Jing ICP B. No. 16034613