Visionchina (Shenzhen) ends in 2019 to create a new "vision" world of machine vision

On October 12, 2019, the China (Shenzhen) Machine Vision Exhibition and machine vision technology and industrial application seminar (visionchina (Shenzhen) 2019), jointly built by the machine vision industry alliance and Munich Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., was successfully concluded in hall 3 of Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center.

Visionchina (Shenzhen) will once again bloom "Pengcheng" in 2019. In the same period, it will jointly hold the member exhibitions of leap [including Shenzhen International Automation and robotics technology exhibition / Shenzhen International Automation & EMA, productronica South China, Munich] Laser South China runs through the upstream and downstream industry chain of intelligent manufacturing.

More than 100 machine vision brands and excellent enterprises from 12 countries and regions, including China, South Korea, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, the United States, Italy, Belgium, Singapore, Switzerland, Canada, etc., with their own high-tech products and excellent solutions, made their debut. The exhibition attracted 18537 professional visitors, The crowd surged on the scene, and the exhibitors and the audience realized zero distance and efficient trade exchanges. At the same time, 15 high-quality reports were gathered at the summit forum, where all the celebrities gathered to discuss the application prospect of machine vision and the present and future of intelligent manufacturing.

Multi dimensional display of machine vision solutions to fully demonstrate the power of vision plus x

Visionchina (Shenzhen) 2019 gathers more than 100 excellent visual brands at home and abroad, including opto, FLIR, allyed vision, Haikang robot, Lingyun, Daheng, canrui, senzhong, Zhonghe, wodep, Bozhong Seiko, SanRui automation, Teledyne Lumenera, lemmai LMI, clearspeed CCS, euresys, Qiyi vision inspiraz, ozray, laonpeople, etc, It brings a machine vision industry event with innovative products, high-tech and solutions to the audience.
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As the "eye" of wisdom, machine vision can provide intelligent solutions for all walks of life, which is the focus of this exhibition. It is also based on the industry characteristics of South China. Focusing on intelligent manufacturing, artificial intelligence, 3D vision, robot vision and other hot words, the exhibition focuses on electronics, laser processing, intelligent manufacturing, automobile, semiconductor, food Starting from the application fields such as medicine and pharmacy, it shows machine vision products such as lens, industrial camera, light source, image software, board card and vision system, presenting advanced vision technology and intelligent solutions of China's machine vision industry.


At the same time, vision plus x, as one of the important highlights of this exhibition, joined hands with leap's member exhibitions in the same period to create vision + laser welding, vision + Electronics / semiconductor, vision + intelligent manufacturing and other machine vision applications, multi dimensionally demonstrating more possibilities of machine vision and intelligent manufacturing production line, not only opening up new ideas for exhibitors, It also brings a richer experience to the audience.

"This year is our first exhibition in Vision China (Shenzhen) 2019, and I feel very satisfied. The development of machine vision in China is very fast. We have been paying attention to the Chinese market. At the exhibition, we met some screen and equipment manufacturers, all of whom we have always wanted to cooperate with, which is very conducive to our expansion of cooperation. Next year, the exhibition will be moved to a new venue, which will be more convenient for us to participate in“—— Li Xiaoxi, general manager of sales, Laon people

"I have participated in several Vision China exhibitions, and the audience on the scene is very professional and the scale is relatively large. Your hosting in South China is a good choice, because Shenzhen can radiate and drive the surrounding industrial clusters. We are willing to show you our new technologies and products on the Vision China platform. "—— Richard Zhu, sales director, Teledyne Lumenera

"As an important city in the consumer electronics industry, South China has always been the practice position of machine vision with relatively developed and cutting-edge technology. With the development of Intelligent Manufacturing in the future, machine vision will have a broader development space. Cornell vision deep learning technology is committed to this, trying to completely solve the final problem in the field of Automation - replacing manual visual inspection. 2020, new pavilion, new journey. Together with South China machine vision, Cognex is growing vigorously, helping China's intelligent manufacturing. Looking forward to the Machine Vision Exhibition in South China—— Yuan Wei, sales manager of deep learning, connatv

Forum full of dry goods, big names gathered, rooted in the important proposition of the industry

During the two-day seminar, 15 forward-looking reports on machine vision industry were released, with the contents in simple terms, so that the audience could understand the latest research results of machine vision technology. The scene was full of climax, applause and popularity. Focusing on the theme of "Application of AI + machine vision technology in electronic industry", the seminar actively discussed several hot topics, such as deep learning, defect detection, artificial intelligence, 3D vision and visual application.

On the first day of the seminar, under the topic of "deep learning and visual inspection", Associate Professor Yu Jingang of South China University of technology brought the report "machine vision technology in high flux plant phenotypic measurement". The audience listened attentively and had a heated discussion. On the second day, at the seminar entitled "3D vision and visual application", Midea's platform transformation of analytical industrial vision also benefited the audience. More prominent guests from Daheng, Lingyun, kangnaishi, FLIR, Advantech, Haikang robotics, allied vision, LMI, viewworks and other well-known enterprises have brought unique insights and case sharing on the cross-border integration of machine vision and industrial automation, electronic intelligent manufacturing, optical inspection and other fields in view of the technical problems and future development direction of the industry.

The tour group is upgraded again to help business matching

This exhibition welcomed Foxconn Technology, Flextronics manufacturing, Huawei Technology, Lenovo Group, Midea, Shenzhen Skyworth, Huizhou BYD electronics, ZTE, xinwanda electronics, Weichuang Zitong, Zhuhai Gree electrical appliances, etc. from automobile, industry, communication system, medical, consumer electronics, industrial electronics, electric power The visiting group of new energy and other application fields had in-depth talks with exhibitors, looking for partners and solutions that meet their own needs.

"Machine vision intelligent detection has developed very fast in recent two years, especially in South China, such as Dongguan, Shenzhen and Huizhou, where a large number of outstanding technology enterprises have emerged. I hope you can do better and better."—— Delegation representative of Huizhou Gaoshi Technology Co., Ltd

"The development of machine vision in South China market is very important, which can greatly reduce the labor cost. In the future, the development trend will be more and more intelligent. "—— Delegation representative of Dongdian Electronics (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd

"I have always paid more attention to 3D vision applications, so I came to participate in this forum and gained a lot. Compared with the past, I also learned more about products and technologies. From the exhibition, the overall sense of machine vision is more and more widely used in the industrial field, especially in the progress of industrial control and detection technology. Visionchina (Shenzhen) 2019 is a good platform for communication and learning. Next year's exhibition is worth looking forward to—— Du Zhongdong, Zibo Weitai Industrial Control Co., Ltd

The three-day exhibition has come to an end, but the highlights of the machine vision industry continue. The exhibition shows the popularity of machine vision industry in South China and the development opportunities in the future. The successful holding of visionchina (Shenzhen) 2019 has added dazzling light to China's machine vision industry.

Visionchina (Shanghai) will meet you at Shanghai New International Expo Center from March 18 to 20, 2020!

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