• CBC China Group
  • Booth No.E1.1102
  • ExhibitsSmart Camera,Iudustrial Lens,Imaging Processing System,
  • "Computar" is the CBC Group's industrial lens brand with a history of over 40 years. We have been designing, manufacturing and selling industrial lenses for many years, resulting in one of the best-selling industrial lens brands in the global market. We look forward to being contacted about any of our products and it is our life's work to assist you in selecting Computar products to suit your appl... Detailed introduction
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  • Address:Room 1801, Gubei International Fortune Center, No. 1438 Hongqiao Road, Changning District, Shanghai
    Tel.: 021-32092626
  • VisionChina All rights reserved Jing ICP B. No. 16034613