• Wayzim Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Booth No.E2.2362
  • ExhibitsSmart Camera,Iudustrial Lens,Machine Vision System,工业相机,
  • Wayzim is an industry-leading supplier of intelligent logistics equipment, intelligent vision system, and industrial sensors. Being one of the few companies that have capabilities in R&D, design, and production of intelligent logistics equipment, systems, and key components, Wayzim offers intelligent and comprehensive solutions to conveying, sorting, and warehousing for express delivery, e-comme... Detailed introduction
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  • Address:No. 979 Antai 3rd Road, Xishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China
    Tel.: 0510-88721008
  • VisionChina All rights reserved Jing ICP B. No. 16034613