• Suzhou CASIA Actelligen Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Booth No.E1.1109
  • ExhibitsSmart Camera,Software Package,Machine Vision Parts,Imaging Processing System,Machine Vision System,工业相机,
  • The company focuses on platform and application-level software and hardware product development in industrial machine vision, online real-time three-dimensional reconstruction, high-precision visual measurement and big data intelligent analysis technology. Focus on the booming development trend of industrial machine vision, intelligent manufacturing, big data medical care, cloud computing, artific... Detailed introduction
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  • Address:Block E1,Al Industrial Park,No.88,Jinjihu Avenue,Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123,P.R.China
    Tel.: 0512-67991124
  • VisionChina All rights reserved Jing ICP B. No. 16034613