• Wuxi V-Sensor Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Booth No.E2.2121
  • ExhibitsSmart Camera,Iudustrial Lens,工业相机,
  • Wuxi V- Sensor is located in Xishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. It is a high-tech company with MEMS chip and application module development as the core technology. In July 2019, the company was officially established and launched domestically produced, high-performance, and low-cost MEMS micro mirror chips and 3D depth cameras. Related products can be widely used in 3D machi... Detailed introduction
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  • Address:No.19 Erquan East Road,Economic and technological Development Zone,Xishan District ,Wuxi City
    Tel.: 0510-83078515
  • VisionChina All rights reserved Jing ICP B. No. 16034613