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Shiqing technology was selected as a state-level special new“Small giant” enterprise!
The small giant enterprise is the outstanding one among the“Specialized and special new” enterprises. It is a pioneer enterprise focusing on market segmentation, strong innovation ability, high market share, mastery of key core technology, and high quality and benefit, it is a high-quality core enterprise located in the core field of industrial foundation and the key link of industrial chain. The successful selection of the fourth batch of state-level“Specialized new” small giant enterprises in Shenzhen, is the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Shiqing technology long-term focus on the industrial lens field of full recognition. In the future, we will focus on industrial lens field, Intensive farming, do the most reliable precision lens, do the most reliable supplier, do the most reliable application consultant, become a solid stepping stone to intelligent manufacturing upgrade of all walks of life!
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